Every year since Leona was born we have gifted her Grandparents something home made with her hands/feet prints. The very first year I made the most adorable Mistletoes plate with her feet prints and a decorative edge, the year after that we made a Christmas tree with her handprints on a canvas, and the third year we made a snowman ornament with her hand print, each finger being a snowman.
Last year was my absolute favorite so far though. I don't know if that's because it was the first year we had two babies cutie little feet to decorate, or if it was because it was the most fun to make (but also took the most time and work). Either way, this is something that I will hold onto forever and cherish. They were so fun to make too and I will always remember the little giggles as the paint tickled their feet.
If you are looking for the perfect give to give Grandparents, or your spouse from your kiddos this is sure to be a hit! Keep reading for all the details of the homemade DIY footprint calendar we made last year.
The kids have 3 sets of Grandparents so we started by purchasing 3 blank calendars. I found them on Amazon here (and here is a 2022 version) but I'm sure you can purchase them at a craft store or office supply store too. Once this came in I planned out each month and got to work painting feet and pressing them onto the calendars. One thing I learned from this is that it would go much quicker to press them on paper and then attach them to the calendars. That way you don't have to wait for each set of painted feet to dry before you turn the page and do the next one. If you have time this isn't an issue (but let's be real who has tons of time now a days 🤪).

After I painted and stamped the kids feet, I got to work adding details with permanent markers to enhance each image. Some took more work, some not as much but each one was unique and so perfect!
I mean come on...how sweet is this!? All three sets of Grandparents absolutely loved them and so did I. I was sad I didn't make myself one in the end but the thought of doing 4 seemed really daunting. After the fact, my mom said she is going to save it and turn the images into a perpetual calendar (one that has only the Month at the top and then dates (but not week days) and use it as her birthday calendar.
You can never go wrong with home made gifts! Especially when it involves your sweet kids and grandchildren. The fun thing about this is that you can easily change the months images to other things that may be special or sentimental for whomever you are giving it to.
Supplies Used
Paint (Finger Paints) (sometimes can locate these at the Dollar Tree)
Sponge Brushes (also available at the Dollar Tree)
Paint Brushes (also available at the Dollar Tree)
I hope you have someone special you can make one of these for in your life! They were such a hit last year for us. I am now thinking about what we can make this year to compete with these!
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Maria Elizabeth
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