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DIY- Kids School Memory/Keepsake Box

It's been a little quiet on the blog lately. We've been enjoying the end of summer, vacationing, and getting ready to send our oldest off to school for the first time. Back to school time with kids is no joke! I wanted to prep a way before either of my babies went off to school to keep documents, projects, and memories from each year of their school for them to look back on.

Enter this keepsake or memory box. This is an idea I saw online somewhere but knew I was up for the task of recreating it very easily and inexpensively. I think I made both of these boxes for around $35 total. This project was fun, easy and quick, and the best part is I got to make them exactly how I wanted them.

Leona requested pink hanging folders for hers and I just love neutrals for boys so I went with grey. Both sets of hanging file folders were purchased on Amazon. I've linked the exact ones below that I purchased and used. The boxes you can purchase anywhere really but I found a GREAT deal on these for about $8 each at Office Deopt.

All you need for supplies is as follows-

  • Hanging file folder box

  • Hanging file folders (at least 15) in any color of your choosing

  • Decal/sticker for the front (I made mine on my Cricut with permanent vinyl

  • Printer

  • Template for typing your hanging file folder tabs

  • Scissors

Some of these items are not required but I think make it look nicer! For example you don't need to print the tabs for each hanging file folder, you could easily write them. For me I like the look of the same font and cohesiveness between everything by typing them. Also, you don't need to create a vinyl decal for the front of each box. I've seen them where you can easily make a sheet on the computer, print it out, and adhere it to the front inside of the box.

The possibilities are endless to be as creative or not as you want. I think this is a simple, compact, and easy way to store documents, art projects, and writing projects from over the years. I plan to throw a lot in it as we go each year and then at the end of the year regroup and keep only what we truly want. I also plan to keep these in each of the kids closets.

You don't have to add a tab for toddler age either but my kiddos baby books are busting at the seems so I wanted to give myself a little extra space to include some of the art projects I have kept over the years from daycare.

Happy DIY'ing and happy back to school for all you mama's and kiddos out there. May the odds be ever in your favor 🤪. I hope you have a fun, successful and healthy year of school ahead!


Pink Hanging File Folders (pk of 25)- here

Gray Hanging File Folders (pk of 25)- here

File Boxes- Amazon or Office Depot

Cricut- here

Printer- here

Shop all my links and outfit details and links on my LTK account here


Maria Elizabeth

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