Wow! How has it already been a year! This is not the traditional post you will see on here but my babies and family are after all my whole world. This time last year felt like you would never come. The moment you arrived you took my breath away and I felt instantly like you made our family perfect. We needed a sassy, spunky, wild boy like you to keep us on our toes, make us laugh, and forget all of our worries.
2020 was a rough year but you without a doubt were our sunshine and brightest light. Seeing you grow this last year has been so rewarding. Your love for adventure, constantly seeking trouble, zero fear, balls, anything you can climb, and your sweet tender hugs and kisses are everything I never knew I needed. Your sister is your best friend and my heart could not be more full watching you two grow together. Keep shining my sweet boy and never let anyone change you. If everyone could have your smile, compassion, and determination in life perhaps the would would be a better place. My hope is that you leave this world better than you found it. I love you so much my sweet Porter boy.
A Year Recap:
January: Welcome to the world sweet baby boy.
February: Valentines day kisses and your first trip and airplane ride (hiding in my coat in a carrier 😉)
March: The start of quarantine and days and days of seeing your sweet smiles. April: Easter at home- still strictly in quarantine.
May: You can roll over! Finally the weather is nice. Calls for lots of outside time and your first swim at Titi and Jimmy's!
June: More fresh air. Happiness surrounds you and you proved to love being outside! You even loved being in the grass.
July: The happiest child you will EVER see. Smiley days at home never get old with you. You are truly the light of my life.
August: The sunflower field and 6 month pictures- look at that smile and belly!
September: My baby and our second trip on an airplane to the beach. I was a crazy person and took both kids by myself during the middle of a pandemic on a trip but seeing his face light up when we hit the beach was amazing.
October and November: Pumpkin picking, Porter in a pumpkin, apple picking, and Porter as a monster (what a fitting costume for our little monster!)
December: Christmas is amazing through your eyes. You light up our life!
January: New Years eve and your first birthday cake smash- mmmmm cake!

1 year old- we love you so much! Happy birthday my sunshine!!
Maria Elizabeth