Keith and I find ourselves eating the same things over and over again. We often get bored with our go to's which leads me to turn to Pinterest and Google for new dinner inspiration. This recipe is my own version of several I have seen online. It has become one of our absolute favorite go to dinners as it is easy, affordable, and healthy. And even better the kids like it- so you know it's good!
We change it up a lot too to incorporate different veggies based on what's on sale, what we already have at home, or what we are feeling. Because of this we don't get bored of it. Other favorites of ours to include are potatoes, zucchini, broccoli, and tomatoes. I know many people don't particularly like mushrooms or onions- but with a meal like this no problem. Just remove the veggies you don't like and replace them with ones you do! It is easily customizable to what you like!
It is easy to make and is ready in 30 minutes or less. Further, it is beautiful to look at and Leona loves it as she says its rainbow dinner! It can be Whole 30 and Paleo friendly as well for those that are following certain diets too.
Keep reading below for recipe details.

Hope you enjoy this recipe as much as our whole family does!
Maria Elizabeth